Draw in and engage your users with the power of contactless technology.

Draw in and engage your users with the power of contactless technology.

NFC Consulting

TapTrack is a one-stop shop for all things NFC. We can provide everything from personalized tags to custom reader and application development. Interested in seeing how we can help you add NFC to your business?

Cashless Solutions

Grow your business with the power of closed-loop cashless technology. Increase the speed, efficiency, transparency of your operations without the need for on-site support or reliable internet coverage. Now available with a full point of sale.

The Tappy

Previously used solely for applications developed by TapTrack, we are now making the Tappy available to the general public. Proudly made in Canada and available in both USB and BLE variants, the Tappy provides a powerful abstraction from low-level NFC operations to allow fast-paced NFC development.

Ready to get started? Reach out to our team